Guichard et al. (2021) developed the versatile microgrowth chambers "RoPods" to study root related processes in Arabidopsis using inverted microscopes. The authors describe a detailed protocol for 3D-printing and using RoPods, but if you need any help in printing one or more of the five RoPod chamber types, please let us know. In the meantime, enjoy the cool time-laps videos in the article supplement, showing seed germination and the growth of tiny Arabidopsis roots in the RoPod microchambers.
Citation: Guichard, M., Holla, S., Wernerová, D., Grossmann, G., & Minina, E. A. (2021). RoPod, a customizable toolkit for non-invasive root imaging, reveals cell type-specific dynamics of plant autophagy. bioRxiv, 2021-12.
Files: Design files can be found on the authors website, a detailed description int the articles supplement section. [Vienna Scientific Instruments is not responsible for the content of external links.]
Please get in contact if you need any help setting-up this open source micro-chamber for roots or if you are interested to adapt the designs to your requirements. Our fair play rule applied, sharing modified open hardware projects back to the community.
For other non-invasive root imaging techniques on larger plants check out the Rootboxes (for soil-based root screeing) and Growth Pouch Soil-free Phenotyping Systems.