We advise you to maintain your equipment well and have them checked and calibrated regularly.
- Register your service request via email or using our online form.
- AFTER receiving a confirmation email, please send the equipment to the provided address.
- Upon receipt of your equipment, we will send a confirmation of receipt. In this confirmation of receipt you will find the specific information of your service request and the date on which we
will either send you the specification of the costs or return your serviced product.
If you have any equipment that needs repairs, you can have that done at Vienna Scientific Instruments, Alland, Austria and/or Bartz Technology Corporation, CA, USA. We strive to provide you fast,
reliable and quality service so that you will have your scientific tools back again as quickly as possible. Here we use an average lead time of 4 working days until you receive a
specification of the costs (if desired) and an average lead time of 3 weeks until we return your repaired equipment.
- Register your repair request via email or using our online form.
- AFTER receiving an confirmation email, please send the equipment to the provided address.
- Upon receipt of your equipment, we will send a confirmation of receipt. In this confirmation of receipt you will find the specific information of your repair and the date on which we will
either send you the specification of the costs or return your repaired product.