Rhizobox & Growth Pouch Systems go Green - Recycled PMMA

The carbon footprint of PMMA, acrylic or Plexiglas, as it is commonly known under the brand name of the Röhm company, is generally superior to many other plastics. In addition, it has outstanding technical properties such as chemical resistance, optical quality and weather resistance, UV protection, absolute colorlessness / good colorability, and easy formability / high form stability. In times of energy crisis and progressing climate change, it is key to manufacture also new research instruments as energy-effectively and environmentally friendly as possible. Recycling thus takes on a whole new meaning in the context of the current crises. Every kilowatt hour of energy invested counts, and the energy cost of using a high-quality PMMA recyclate is less than the cost of producing a new one - even when the energy and Carbon costs of recycling are included.
The technical recycling of PMMA results now in a quality which is similar to the quality of newly produced PMMA - this allowing us to offer PMMA panels made from 70%-recycled acryclic as raw material for Vienna Scientific products, in particular rhizoboxes and rhizobox system accessories, and soil-free phenotyping solutions such as root phenotyping boxes and growth pouch systems.
We are constantly working on solutions to offer also minirhizotron tubes and plant respiration chambers from recycled acrylic in the future.
Please contact us if you would like to purchase new scientific tools with a reduced carbon footprint - using recycled acryclic glass.