Cooling Tables for Sorting and Manipulation of Immobilized Insects

Cold exposure is a commonly used method of immobilizing insects. When insects are sufficiently chilled, they experience a temporary loss of neuromuscular function known as "chill coma". Chilling Tables, which allow precise control of cooling temperature compared to traditional methods such as ice, are therefore versatile tools for entomologists who need to sort and manipulate immobilized insects. Accurately set temperatures and intermittent heat pulses help prevent cold injury and mortality. Instruments with low positioned cooling plates offer special ergonomic advantages when working on cooled insects in petridishes or adapted borosilicate plates. Customized insect cages ("cold cages") that house either the cold plate or the entire instrument can be designed; special cage designs for macro photography that allow the insertion of camera lenses are available.
Vienna Scientific now offers a wide range of cooling plates / chlling tables carefully selected for entomologists. These professional and affordable options can be customized with accessories to meet your specific insect cooling needs. Please contact us to discuss your specific tasks requiring insect chilling.