Root Rinsing Apperatus. The manual separation of roots from mineral soil cores / samples is a time-consuming and expensive task. To address this problem, Gillison's developed the semiautomatic hydropneumatic root elutriator - widely used by research institutions in North America. This reliable system partially automates the rinsing process, resulting in significant time savings and reduced labor costs for root extraction. The Root Rinsing Apperatus uses a combination of hydraulic and pneumatic systems ("hydropneumatic") to effectively separate roots from the soil. The washing process is controlled by an electric timer and the apperatus can be equipped with sieves of different diameters to ensure efficient operation and high root recovery rates (see figure). Versions with 4 or 8 parallel washing chambers are available.
Get in contact to discuss how the versatile, semi-automatic Root Rinsing System can save you time and labor costs in root sample preparation!